EnerBIM is a provider of innovative and specific integrated solutions, facilitating exchanges between BIM technologies and players. EnerBIM is developing BIMsolar®, BIMWIQ Sketch®, and BIMWIQ Data®.
EnerBIM’s vision of BIM is based on 15 years’ experience in publishing software and business applications for industrial sectors and property management.
We are convinced that BIM, a major challenge for all professionals, is revolutionizing the economy and the ecological transition in construction and property management.
EnerBIM continues to pursue its R&D projects in BIM, technical data for real-estate assets, and solar energy.
ENERBIM: Solutions & Services
- Pre-project and project management decision support.
- Specific training in BIM and solar architecture: BIMsolar expert user.
- Adaptation/parameterization of Autodesk REVIT and BIMWIQ Sketch digital models, and IFC interoperability.
- Development of expert configurators for building products and systems: specific REVIT plugins.
BIMsolar: Solar Architecture becomes virtual reality
EnerBIM is the full-stack developer of BIMsolar, a digital BIM platform solution dedicated to solar energy integrated into Architectural Design, Engineering and Construction.
EnerBIM develops new ways of simulating and producing results, and creates specialized modules that can be connected to BIMsolar on request.
OEM versions of BIMsolar: depending on the needs expressed by manufacturers, we can study all types of customized solutions connected to our technologies.
Notre équipe
- AdministratorActive 1 hour, 48 minutes agoTOWN: TOULOUSEYour relation with BIMsolar: Le tout premier utilisateur et développeur de la communauté !Profession: Directeur associé
- Utilisateur enregistréActive 3 years, 2 months agoTOWN: Toulouse, FranceYour relation with BIMsolar: Développements Web orientés autour du BIMProfession: Responsable QHSE RSE- Responsable des développements digitaux
- Utilisateur enregistréActive 7 years, 4 months agoTOWN: ToulouseYour relation with BIMsolar: Directeur AssociéProfession: Directeur Associé
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