Solar Architecture, Integrated PhotoVoltaics
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BIMsolar online PIM
As one of the main exploitable result from the BIPVBOOST project, the new BIMsolar Product Information Manager enables predesigning custom BIPV panels within BIM-ready and PLM perspectives! >Click & Discover the BIMsolar PIM for free!
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Available in Q1-2025
BIMsolar contributes to the success of the PARIS 2024 Olympic Games!
The solar PV cover for the iconic Centre Aquatique de Saint-Denis games building was jointly designed and developed by EDF EnR and the BIMsolar Team, thanks to BIMsolar technology and its interoperability with BIM, from AEC through to operation and maintenance.
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The most active groups
All about the use of BIMsolar as a software!
Practical advice – Questions – Projects -
This group is aimed at focusing on new BIPV technologies. International discussions, no barriers, English spoken mainly but not exclusively!
Ce groupe a pour ambition de collecter les projets BIPV français exemplaires, actuels et futurs, iconiques mais aussi devenus courants en architecture et construction solaires
This groups aims at collecting existing and future BIPV projects, actors, within EUROPE
Groupe de discussion dédié à l’intégration des questions énergétiques solaires dans les processus BIM
Questions/Réponses sur les outils, les collaborations, l’intéropérabilité -
[English] Here we will publish every evolution to the standalone software and related on-line platform.
In line with RD+I projects supporting BIMsolar as the leading digital solution for BIPV.
So you will be […]
New Members
- Utilisateur enregistréActive 6 hours, 1 minute agoTOWN: GrazYour relation with BIMsolar: userProfession: architect
- Utilisateur enregistréActive 2 hours, 58 minutes agoTOWN: StrasbourgYour relation with BIMsolar: For my academic researchProfession: PhD student
- Utilisateur enregistréActive 1 week, 1 day agoTOWN: paula Jaraquemada 7891Your relation with BIMsolar: estudianteProfession: arquitecta