Lower Manhattan (Irradiation at urban scale) project by BIMsolar : DISPLAY on the BIMsolar 3D viewer
This project highlights simulation and distribution of solar irradiation at city scale with 3D rendering.
The 3D source was obtained from the open 3D Warehouse (SketchUp) community.
Hello, I am looking to do a similar irradiance model and also include some solar modules in it using BIMSolar. I was wonering what software you used to make the geometry/CAD of the buildings?
Hi Patrick! I use public 3D models from 3DWareHouse (very good for pedagogy). You can also use SketchUp to generate 3D boxes to figure out a city from a Map. Here is an url to look for Manhattan: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/search/?q=manhattan%20new%20york%20city&searchTab=model&domain=Architecture